Thursday, September 28, 2006


So. Well, life after Ironman is so utterly normal. I'm in a sort of limbo over here. Not yet mentally or physically recovered enough to really do a lot, but really wanting to get out and do a lot. And we've had such a brilliantly craptacular fall around here - for every day of crisp sunshine there's 3 days of IMesque cold and wind and rain. It's unmotivating.

Anyway. I've been working on a video of my Ironman experience that has (as is often the case with me) taken on a life of its own. Tons of fun, way longer and more involved than I would've guessed when I started to just put videos and photos from the Team into some kind of organization. I imagine once it's finished I'll see about posting some pieces of it here so you can check it out. But its been a fun way to kind of relive the adventure over and over as I work on it.

I'm still unsure about what my focus for next season should be, and am kind of awaiting inspiration there. I'm the kind of person that appreciates (and often requires) a long-term objective for which my short-term goals can be toward. So the point of the marathon last fall, for example, was to prepare me for this year's IM marathon. Lacking for now a long-term goal such as Ironman, I'm trying to figure out what would be fun for me next year. All short course? All Olympic? Should I really focus on becoming faster (so...Sprint distance focused)...etc. etc. Still not sure where I'll go from here, but I'm okay with the process.

Speaking of the marathon - shout out to Pharmie and my friend Pete, both of whom are running the Twin Cities marathon on Sunday. I hope you have great races, and I'll be there to cheer you on. That's something I'm looking forward to - watching a race from the other side. I've never done that - just been to a race to watch, that I wasn't somehow involved in. I'm excited. It's hard to believe it's been a year since I ran the TCM. It seems much longer. I feel like a totally different person now.

Anyway. Thus concludes this stream of consciousness. Hope you're well out there, one and all.


Trisaratops said...

OK, I REALLY think you are the male version of me.

We are SOOOOOOO on the same page! I feel slightly "lost" without a goal over my head. But, I guess we need a little downtime.

Enjoy TCM as a spectator! I'm doing that for Chicago in a few weeks--it's SOOOOOOOO fun! But beware--it will DEFINITELY make you itch to race. :)

Jeremy said...

I just found your blog and figured I had to say hello considering we have the same bike! I call mine Cookie Monster. Congrats on becoming an Ironman and best of luck with your future adventures.